Peaceful Warriors is Shaolin Kung Fu Academy's martial arts program for Boys (ages 6-12). Peaceful Warriors teaches boys to build inner strength, and respect for themselves and others. When a boy finds his true power, it releases insecurity and fear and brings peace and self-confidence.
In 1999, my teacher opened this very school with the inspiration and motivation to teach kids how to defend themselves using martial arts. I was one of the very first students who joined the program at 5 years old - small, quiet, and scared of just about everything! In an effort to break me out of my shell, my mom wanted me to join martial arts, but didn’t want to put me in a program that would make my fears even worse. When she found the school, my teachers led with empowerment, gentleness, and an approachable stillness that was unexpectedly kind from people teaching you how to punch and kick. They went by Si Gong Robert and Si Mo Suzanne.
For me, home was tumultuous on a good day; there was violence, rage, distress, and constant unpredictability. The adults in my life that were supposed to be my source of love were instead my source of fear. This was the case for everyone except Si Gong and Si Mo, who were a constant force of stability and unconditional love throughout my entire life.
Whenever I entered the dojo, no matter what age I was, I was reminded that I was safe and cared for. Throughout class, I not only learned how to defend myself, but why I was valuable enough to put effort into defending. I learned that I could face my fears with the support of my teachers behind me, and I was constantly empowered to challenge myself beyond my wildest dreams. At the end of every class, I left feeling a sense of balance and peace, even when returning to a home environment that was chaotic and neglectful. The dojo and my teachers were my safe place, the people who taught me how to be internally disciplined and outwardly kind even when the world felt cruel. It would have been an easy decision to put further anger and violence into the world that I felt was violent toward me — however Shaolin and my teachers taught me that there is always greater value in choosing love.
As an adult, I feel eternally fortunate to have been raised in this program, and now even more honored to be teaching it! Children are the most important people in the world, and they need a place where they can feel fully comfortable to be themselves, feel like they can safely make mistakes (and learn from them!), and most importantly, learn how much they are capable of loving themselves. Learning self-defense is a huge bonus too! I would not be who I am today without this school, and getting to continue to serve this community by passing down the lessons from my dear teachers is my highest honor!
— Si Bok Blue Norush (they/she)
All too often, the expectations of boys and men in our society proves to be insurmountable. The bar is set so impossibly high and so incredibly heavy that when boys and men feel that they’ve fallen short, the disappointment can turn destructive, both inwards and outwards. It’s important to recognize that masculinity is not inherently a bad thing. Masculinity and femininity are an important yin and yang that require a delicate balance, and people contain both.
What Peaceful Warriors aims to do is teach boys early on that they get to be a whole person. They do not have to be or grow into one type of man, and they are able to express their emotions in a healthy and supportive environment. Martial arts requires disciple, respect, and dedication - but it also requires compassion, mercy, and self-expression (don’t forget fun too!). In Peaceful Warriors, boys will aim to learn the true meaning of inner-peace and inner-balance through their studies of Shaolin Kung Fu.
“There is power in stillness.
There is peace in movement.
There is wisdom in silence.
Let go and be free.
I am good enough.”
— Peaceful Warriors Chant
(While kids’ classes are generally separated into boys’ and girls’ classes, this is always flexible and all classes are open to anyone regardless of gender or gender expression! The comfortability of your child’s true self is our top priority.)